2012年1月3日 星期二

(2012年7月14-20日) 生態協會境外體驗: 馬來西亞婆羅洲Tabin Wildlife Reserve 7日6夜深度自然考察暨攝影工作坊

婆羅洲的低地森林是各種植物及野生動物的生境,當中不少是當地的特有種生物。生態協會帶領大家走進「踏繽野生動物保護區」﹝Tabin Wildlife Reserve﹞進行考察及拍攝,除了以認識東南亞地區豐富的物種,增加自然生態的知識及拍攝技巧之外,亦可以對現今種種全球生態議題,以及自然保護工作有新的啓發及思考。



Borneo is a paradise for wildlife and nature lovers. Between the summit of the 4095m Mt. Kinabalu and the boundless shoreline lies a range of pristine forests, with undisturbed rivers meandering in between the valleys. Eco Institute team had visited Borneo FIVE times in 2011 working on conservation, education and eco-tourism programmes. From sustainable consumption to responsible eco-tourism, we all play a part in the long term conservation of forest.

We are organizing a nature exploration cum nature photography workshop in July 2012. Please join us to learn more about the wilderness of the 3rd largest island in the world, and to explore the nature beauties of the mystical southeast Asia.

Please see the following link for more